Bituin Elixirs

Sumulong Spray

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Bituin Elixir Sigil Sprays

Sumulong Spray is a gently elevating flower essence, gem elixir and cypress oil blend. Tagalog for “to advance,” Sumulong Elixir supports you to stand in your power.  

Spray Sumulong Elixir in the aura 2 times a day along with affirmations such as: I know what it feels like to be fully respected. I have great boundaries and know who I am. I can ask for what I want. Anything that blocks or intimidates me from living up to my highest potential is now dissolved. I am who and what I was always meant to be.

This blend contains Mimulus to build confidence and courage in the face of powerful influences. St. Johns Wort fortifies and protects personal boundaries so you can stay true to your mission. Sweetgrass releases disharmonious energies to increase a sense of worthiness and reconnects us to the power & beauty of the earth. Jade gem elixir assists in compassion, forgiveness, brings peace and answers to increasingly complex situations. Cypress oil is for emotional balance, vitality, sense of purpose and spiritual transformation. Infused with Guåhan atdao sun energy. The Baybayin symbols and the yellow label enhance the power and intentions of the blend. Water; grape spirits; essences of western mimulus, St. John’s wort, sweetgrass; jade gem elixir; cypress oil. For topical use only. 



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