Bituin Elixirs

Bituin Elixirs

Bituin Elixirs evolutionary flower essence - gem elixir blends

Bituin Elixirs include a set of 6 synergistic flower essence/gem elixir Chakra blends and 3 flower essence/gem elixir/essential oil Sigil blends channeled by Dr. Chris Lipat DC, Reiki Master. Essence Alchemy crafts these inspired blends with careful intention, using select colors, sacred geometry and sun/moon cycles to maximize their alchemy as tools for evolution.


Bituin Elixirs are a powerful adjunct to any reiki/energy/bodywork practice. Dr. Chris Lipat uses the spray Elixirs regularly to assist patients in transforming emotional and spiritual blocks/challenges that come to the surface during a session into more positive, beneficial, life-enhancing understandings.

Bituin Elixirs accompany the KNOWING Method, an intuitive meta self-healing framework created and practiced by Dr. Chris Lipat as outlined in their book KNOWING: The Intuitive's Guide to Transformative Healing. See the webpage for a link to free healing charts that accompany the book and for use with Bituin Elixirs!


Dr. Chris Lipat, DC, Reiki Master was in the process of becoming a Certified Cellular Regeneration Technique Practitioner under Dr. Gina Kim of Maui, and was seeking ways to more deeply serve the world during this powerful time of change, to accelerate our healing and address our yearning to spiritually evolve. In answer to this quest, Dr. Lipat met Mark D'Aquila of Essence Alchemy, a skilled and magical flower essence and gem elixir maker. Dr. Lipat channeled specific blends based on Essence Alchemy's wide selection, adding intentions, sacred geometry, sigils and colors to enhance their power, and named them Bituin Elixirs.

BITUIN is Tagalog for star,
heavenly body.

Bituin Elixirs support sophisticated shifts in perspective, allowing you to hold more complexity with ease. Each flower or gem carries its own unique crystalline imprint. When combined, the resulting sacred vibrational geometries heighten inner awareness that supports deep healing resulting in change and growth of consciousness.

Read this article "Plant Essences: the Highest Octave Available for Your Healing and Expansion of Consciousness" to learn more about why Dr. Chris Lipat is excited to offer these powerful tools of awakening.

Do the sacred work of healing core issues and let Bituin Elixirs aid in your path of enlightenment!

Bituin Elixirs are tools for both professional and personal use: 

  • for mind-body practitioners/coaches who facilitate releasing, clearing, balancing of emotional spiritual and energetic blocks; and,
  • for those engaged in self-reflective practices, including writing, meditation, visioning, reiki and EFT/Tapping for additional support in releasing negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, past life and ancestral trauma, and moving towards new ways of being.
How to use:

You may use these elixirs orally or topically (as indicated), on chakras, pulse points, with your favorite essential oil in a diffuser, your Epsom bath, a home altar or offering to a sacred site (if appropriate), or spray into your energy field. They are tools to be used regularly:

  • During times of inner work, including identifying and reflecting on childhood, past life and ancestral trauma
  • During emotionally charged moments
  • At times when you are taking a leap and stretching into a new, up-leveled you
  • As you state your affirmations or review your life goals
  • Use 1 drop of all six Chakra elixirs for general support up to 6 times a day
  • Alongside Dr. Chris Lipat's Transformative Healing Charts found here

Grape spirits are used as a preservative. No essential oils or scents are included in the original Bituin Elixir Chakra evolution blend set of 6 and may be used orally or topically. Essential oils are included in the Sigil blends and should be used as indicated.


Bituin Elixirs by Dr. Chris Lipat, DC

Use Bituin Elixirs daily to accelerate your evolution!

"I am so honored and thrilled that Dr. Lipat was inspired to create Bituin Elixirs while becoming certified in Cellular Regeneration Technique. They’re amazing! Thank you so much for creating them!"

- Dr. Gina Kim, DC, founder of Cellular Regeneration Technique

"Dr. Chris Lipat has channeled the most divine flower essences that coincide with the chakras, and particular gifts and states of being we want to enhance. The quality and efficiency is the best I've ever experienced!"

- Darshan Mendoza, CEO of 13 Temples and Author of Luminary Journey.

"A few days ago I had an informal talk with Dr. Chris Lipat. In conversation I shared I was having some difficulties sleeping and with my mood and health in general. While on the phone she did a mini session. Based on my complaints she tuned in and pinpointed a few areas that needed support. She offered a few suggestions, one of which was to take the Bituin Elixir called Elevation before bed that night. I had a bottle with me and did as she suggested. That night I slept a solid 8 hours and woke up feeling refreshed and buoyant. I have been taking the Elevation elixir since and this elixir along with her suggestions have really helped. If an informal session is this good I would imagine the full treatment is amazing. Thank you Dr. Lipat!"

- Mark D'Aquila, Flower Essence Therapist and owner of Essence Alchemy, Bituin Elixirs master craftsman.


Bituin Elixirs Aura Sigil Sprays!

Bituin Elixirʻs Aura Luminesce Spray with flower essence/gem elixir and essential oils

Aura Luminesce Spray (2 oz bottle) is a purifying flower/gem essence, hydrosol and essential oil blend (topical use only). It supports integration of oneʻs shadows into more harmonious frequencies of light, allowing you to hold more complexity with ease. Spray Aura Luminesce at the start of a session to prime the body for transformation, to see the light in our negative thoughts and our shadows, and to support the healing of our childhood and ancestral emotional traumas. It is intended to increase the auraʻs coherence and integrity. 

Use Aura Luminesce along with affirmations such as: My energy is sacred. I build my energy and only use it as guided. I trust in divine timing, in the ebbs and flows of the universe. I release attachment to the old to make space for the new. I am curious, open and courageous. Life is a practice of compassionate learning and soulful evolution.

Aura Luminesce contains: Ti plant essence which clears negative influences, cords, entities, attachments and is helpful in cases of anxiety, panic, paranoia. Cross vine essence dissolves self-limiting beliefs, strengthens the ability to face truths, building courage to change. Silverweed essence enhances self awareness, and balances desires, impulses and material attachment. White sage essence and hydrosol from Ojai clears negative psychic energy, uplifts, and reconnects you to your inner wisdom. Obsidian gem elixir promotes grounding, compassionate insight into emotional blocks and ancestral traumas while growing spiritual integrity. Frankincense oil is a sacred resin that soothes the spirit, increases intuition and presence of mind. Sandalwood oil calms and clears the mind, protects and grounds while connecting you to our divine oneness. The Reiki symbol of Seheki has a brain balancing affect on the mental/emotional levels and Karuna Reiki® symbol of Gnosa enhances unconditional love, wisdom and spiritual understanding. 



Kapayapaan Agimat Spray is a calming essential oil blend (topical use only) intended to gently and gradually rebalance energy centers from the sacral to throat chakras that may have been thrown out of balance by a defensive/trigger state. Spray Kapayapaan Agimat from the sacral chakra to the pusod (piko/navel), solar plexus, puso (puʻuwai/heart), thymus, up to the throat chakras, and wherever else you feel called to use it, to assure your body that you are safe and protected, so that your mind can begin to embrace new, more compassionate, loving ways of being in the world. Use it 6 times a day in these 6 energy centers for 6 weeks and let us know how you feel!

Use Kapayapaan Agimat with affirmations such as: May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease. I nurture my spirit. I am strong, secure and grounded. I am surrounded in loving, harmonious relationships. I am flowing with the evolutionary impulse of the universe.

Kapayapaan Agimat translates to “Inner Peace Amulet.” It is intended to balance one’s vagal tone and support a healthier stress response. The vagus nerve, a key component in the gut-brain axis, is negatively impacted by generational trauma and overwhelmingly stressful life events. It also positively impacts the conception vessel meridian. The agimat, also known as an anting-anting, is a protective amulet charged with orasyon (chants). This blend contains the organic essential oils of bergamot to uplift while also calming the nervous system, and frankincense to support the health of the digestive, lung, respiratory systems, joints and skin, while also soothing the spirit, increasing intuition and presence of mind. These sprays are made under a Hawaiian moon with pangatauhan chants to Mayari, moon goddess or dakilang kapangyarihan (the great power). The organic vodka and mineral water base is imbued with special sacred geometries, crystals and colors, and the magic of the blend is reinforced with a Baybayin sigil on the label. 



Marikit Elixir is a purifying flower essence, gem elixir and mint oil blend. Tagalog for gorgeous, magnificent, exquisite, beautiful, Marikit Elixir inspires you to cherish your spirit, to discover the wonder that you are, and love your body.

Take 1 drop of Marikit Elixir in the mouth 1-3 times a day after a meal along with affirmations such as: Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health. I release the past and live fully in the present. I feel joy and contentment in this moment right now. I find deep inner peace within myself as I am. I trust in divine timing. In service to the highest good of all, I allow myself to prosper in mind, body and spirit. 

The Marikit Elixir blend contains Bog Asphodel which clears negative influences and emotional cords while reclaiming our personal power and sovereignty. Brodiaea restores inner strength leaked due to burnout. Lehua fuels divinely-supported positive action. San Pedro Cactus compels us to break codependent tendencies and cleanses karma. Red Columbine turns unworthiness, low self-esteem born from trauma into a healthy self-regard. Rose Quartz gem elixir is calming, promoting deep inner healing, peace, self-forgiveness and acceptance towards building self-trust. Citrine gem elixir clarifies and empowers your own sense of safety, motivates, and allows for enthusiasm and awe. Mint oil, a digestif, clears stubborn internal blocks, and promotes regeneration, vibrancy and an increased perception of divine timing and evolutionary flow. Infused with Kūlua moon energy and pangatauhan orasyon. The Baybayin sigil of MaGanDa (beauty) and the yellow rose label balances the solar plexus chakra. 


The 6 Original Bituin Elixir Flower Essence/Gem Elixir Chakra Evolution Blends

Each set of 6 Bituin Elixirs includes the following in 0.5 fl oz dropper bottles or 2 oz spray bottles.

1. Soul Balm
Root & Heart Chakras. Emotional integration & spiritual clearing. 

Essences of field primrose, purple sage, pink yarrow, ti plant, arroyo willow.

Soul Balm, for emotional integration and spiritual clearing. Also for Root and Heart Chakras. This blend contains Yarrow, a protective essence, for healthy emotional boundaries. The Ti plant essence clears negative influences, cords, entities, attachments and is helpful in cases of anxiety, panic, paranoia. Primrose, known for its ability to support integration of various energies of love, helps us see issues, limiting belief patterns and thought forms that need transformation. Purple sage allows us to extract wisdom from our life experience. The Tibetan endless knot integrates these individual sacred flower patterns into a divinely complex whole that leads to increased wisdom, understanding of the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, and the compassion required to attain enlightenment. 

2. Elevation
Sacral Chakra. Reclaiming joy and divine purpose. 

Elixirs of azurite, botswana agate, covellite, garnet, phrenite, ruby.

Elevation Elixir is for reclaiming joy and divine purpose. Indicated for the Sacral Chakra. This blend contains Azurite gem elixir to ground our communication so that we can share authentically and with gentleness. Botswana Agate releases emotional repression and assists in moving us past blame toward solutions. Phrenite opens us to new meanings, ideas, and opens insight towards wisdom and enlightenment. Ruby increases circulation and flow of earth energy upward through the chakras. Garnet clears and balances chakras, transmutes negative energy into positive, increases loving energy and life force. Covellite heightens awareness of our sensitivity, our vulnerability and opens us to receiving love towards building inner strength and clarity. The Seed of Life as the universal symbol of creation allows us to hold all these complex energies simultaneously while moving us towards positive transformation. 

3. Transformation
Solar Plexus & Soul Star Chakras. Self-empowerment & releasing that which no longer serves.

Essences of red columbine, brodiaea, bog asphodel, geranium nodosum, yellow archangel, san pedro cactus, lehua.

Red Columbine turns unworthiness and low self esteem born from trauma into healthy self-regard. Yellow Archangel and Lehua fuels divinely-supported positive action. Bog Asphodel clears negative influences and emotional cords so that we may reclaim our personal power and sovereignty. Brodiaea restores inner strength lost due to burnout. Geranium Nodosum brings lightness and optimism to those releasing the need to carry others’ burdens. San Pedro Cactus compels us to break codependent tendencies and cleanses karma. Metatron accentuates the power of this formula to bring us into divine right balance of self knowing and self possession  in relationship to others. 

4. Breakthrough
Thymus, Throat & Soul Star Chakras. Emerging into expansiveness.

Essences of penstemon, scarlet gilia, early purple orchid, silverweed.

Breakthrough Elixir flower essence blend contains Early Purple Orchid, augmenting feelings of safety to release fears, doubts, and allow new energy to enter our lives. Penstemon strengthens our perseverance, bringing light awareness to pain and blocks. Silverweed and Scarlet Gilia bring feelings of gratification, beauty and pleasure to a powerfully graceful balance. The Fibonacci sequence on the label directs these essences and in turn, our energies, into the most efficient and natural flow of resources and energy for expansion towards divinely inspired goals. 

5. Manifestation
Well of Dreams & Pineal Chakras, Stellar and Universal Gateways. Clarity and action towards your divine purpose.

Essences of sweet pepperbush, tree tobacco, bottlebrush, elixirs of emerald, diamond.

Manifestation Elixir is a complex flower essence and gem elixir blend. Sweet pepperbush helps anxiety, shifting perception on struggle and hardened emotions to support re-centering. Tree Tobacco circulates energy, bringing to light subconscious addictive patterns for transformation. Diamond elixir brings clarity as it harmonizes our personal will with our divine purpose. Bottlebrush cleanses and aligns our physical and subtle energetic bodies and strengthens the connection between them. Emerald elixir dissolves fear connected to love, opening our hearts and balancing our divine feminine energy. The Philosopher’s Stone on the label summates these transformational perceptual shifts towards increasing enlightenment. 

6. Prosperity
Pituitary & Crown Chakras, Earth Gateway, Earth Star Chakra and Cosmic Gateway. Opening up to your true worth and creative power.

Gold elixir, essences of almond tree, mango tree.

Prosperity Elixir is a potent gem and tree elixir blend. Gold elixir and Almond Tree essence paired together releases our need to compare, helps us recognize, value and release comfortable limiting beliefs, and guides us to know our inner truth as the source of our power and unique creative expression. Mango Tree essence allows us to increasingly channel more light energy through our meridians in a balanced way. The Kriya symbol on the label augments this blend towards joyful manifestation of wishes and desires in alignment with the highest good. 

Purchase Bituin Elixirs at Dr. Chris Lipat's Tools for Enlightened Living Shop Today!
For practitioners who wish to purchase Bituin Elixirs wholesale for retail distribution, contact Dr. Chris Lipat at or visit our Contact Page.