Dr. Chris Lipat

Reiki 1 Class

Sale price Price $250.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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White Light Reiki Level 1

Goals & Outcomes


    • Open up and/or increase your intuitive abilities
    • Primarily affects the physical level
    • Learn about Reiki energy: what it is, its history, how it supports healing
    • Learn about the human energy system (aura & chakras) and
    • How true healing contributes to your soul's evolution.
    • Receive a Reiki I Attunement
    • Meet your Reiki guides
    • Learn hand positions to do self-Reiki
    • Practice a Reiki table session
    • Take home manual
    • Reiki I Certificate
    • Bonus: Introduction to muscle testing to access your higher knowing



Taught by Dr. Chris Lipat, DC in Honolulu 

Upcoming Schedule

Sunday, 10am-5pm


5 people max, in-person in Honolulu

Prerequisite: No prerequisite for this beginner class. Come with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow.

White Light Reiki has 4 levels. The Expert Level 3 plus the Master/Teaching Level 4. In my line, it is required for you to become a registered Karuna Reiki® Master (4 additional levels) prior to becoming a White Light Reiki Master Teacher. A White Light Reiki Master Teacher in this line will have undergone 8 levels of attunement. Minimum 3 required to schedule a class upon request. Those who would like to continue their training in Oʻahu can reach out to other White Light Reiki masters attuned by Dr. Lipat.

Class Fee: $250 plus tax

*Water provided. Very brief contact will be made during the attunement. Student hands on practice will be done with the "client" face down to minimize contact. Please bring your own snacks. E-mail Dr. Lipat at reiki@drchrislipat.com for additional information.




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